Elemental water and elemental fire in an elemental love story.

Before Pixar’s “Elemental”, there was the elemental romance, “Burn”.

In the trailer of Elemental, we see a realm where the inhabitants embody the very essence of the four elements: fire, earth, water, and air. They coexist harmoniously within the vibrant and bustling metropolis known as Element City, purposefully designed to cater to the distinct requirements of each elemental type.

Amidst this enchanting cityscape, we’re introduced to two characters. Wade, an ethereal water entity, and Ember, a spirited embodiment of fire brought to life. It is evident from the start that their elements clash, rendering them unable to physically connect, an unfortunate predicament.

The movie sounds good, and I am 100% going to take my kids with me to see it as soon as possible, because I love elemental magic and romance. 🙂

Fire and Water Have a Meet-Cute in Burn

But before Pixar’s Elemental, there was Burn, a fiery paranormal romance novel featuring two opposite protagonists in a world of elemental powers, that also explores the dynamics of elemental powers and the complexities of love. That, however, is where similarities end.

Brooke, a human with latent water powers, and Levi, a fire elemental warrior sent to fight chaos, accidentally run into each other on the street. The way their paths cross seems almost too coincidental, leaving readers to wonder if there might be a hidden force at play. (Hmmm…) Undeniable and immediate chemistry sparks between them.

Opposites Attract

Burn delves into the intriguing dynamics between Brooke and Levi. Through a plan they’ve hatched to lure the enemy in and kill them once and for all, Levi & Brooke get to know each other and get closer, emotionally and physically, with every day that passes. Brooke is a calming influence on Levi, whose emotions, especially anger and passion, run too close to the surface. Levi ignites feelings in Brooke she’s never had before. Or has, but these are so much hotter.

But they have a lot to overcome before they can be together, the least of which is their opposite elements. A dangerous shadowy group attacks & kills humans with elemental powers. Relationships between elementals and humans are forbidden by the leaders of the elemental race. The disapproval of Levi’s commander further complicates their relationship. Levi is having trouble controlling his powers, adding another layer of complication and danger to their story. Not to mention that the existence of elementals & their enemies is completely unknown to the human heroine.

An Adult Elemental Love Story

I think if you like the ideas and themes in Pixar’s Elemental, you will definitely like Burn. But make no mistake, this is definitely an adult paranormal romance book. It features steamy love scenes, with the door all the way open. 😉 (Fire, water, steamy? 😀)

If you read Burn and enjoy it, there are more books in the series for each of the elements. Rise is an elemental romance about air, Crush is an elemental romance about earth, and so on.

Through the plots and the vividly depicted romance of my elemental romance books, I attempt to deliver a poignant message: love possesses an elemental power of its own, capable of transforming lives and the world around us. It serves as a reminder that love has the potential to bridge divides, dissolve differences, and ignite a flame of hope even in the darkest of times.

And perhaps even—to save the world.

Read Burn now!

The four elements

Ignite Your Passion with Elemental Romance Books

Hey, dear readers! Author Joanna Morgan here. Today, we’re delving into the magical realm of elemental romance books. Elemental romance is my jam, and if you’ve been with me for any amount of time, you know why. My first series, and the series of my heart, is elemental romance through and through.

I’m not the only author who writes elemental romances, but they can be hard to find.

Elemental romance books revolve around the captivating power of the elements – fire, water, air, and earth. You’ll witness the elements mirrored in the passionate embraces, the tempestuous conflicts, and the tender moments that create a symphony of love. These enchanting tales intertwine the elements with love, creating a symphony of emotions that will leave you breathless. They can be Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, or Paranormal Romance stories. I’m sure other genres can and do feature elemental powers, but I’m focused on elemental romance, which necessarily means a Romance sub-genre.

Elemental Powers And Romance

Get ready to be swept away by the fiery passion, the soothing embrace of water, the whispers of the wind, and the grounding stability of earth. If you’re seeking stories that ignite your imagination and kindle the flames of romance, look no further!

Let’s dive in and explore the elemental wonders that make these stories truly magical.

Fire: Picture a sizzling romance that blazes with intensity and desire. In these stories, fire represents passion, transformation, and raw emotions. The protagonists may possess the ability to control fire or have an irresistible attraction that sparks like a wildfire. Brace yourself for scorching chemistry and fiery conflicts that test the limits of love. Read Burn.

Air: Prepare to be carried away on the wings of love. Air represents freedom, communication, and intellectual connection. Characters in air-themed romances may be blessed with the ability to control or manipulate the wind or possess a deep connection to the sky. These stories explore the power of words, the longing for freedom, and the ethereal bonds that defy gravity. Read Rise.

Earth: Ground yourself in the stability and nurturing embrace of earth-themed romances. Earth represents strength, stability, and sensuality. Whether it’s characters with the power to shape the earth or individuals deeply connected to nature, these stories celebrate the beauty of the natural world and the profound connections forged between protagonists rooted in the earth’s essence. Crush coming soon!

Water: Imagine love stories that flow like a gentle river or crash like powerful waves. Water represents emotions, healing, and intuition. In these books, you’ll encounter characters with an affinity for water, whether they are mermaids, water nymphs, or individuals who possess the power to manipulate water. Get ready to be swept away by emotional depths and tender connections.

Other Elements: A lot of elemental worlds stick to the four traditional Western elements. It’s surprising and intriguing to find other elements featured. That’s why I’m going to feature two other types of elemental heroes in my books. 🙂

Elemental Romance Books

So, if you’re ready to embark on an elemental journey where love intertwines with the forces of nature, pick up an elemental romance book and let your imagination soar. Lose yourself in a world where the elements dance alongside passionate characters, igniting emotions and fanning the flames of desire.

Remember, in the realm of elemental romance, love is a force that burns, heals, flows, and grounds. Embrace the magic of the elements and let them ignite your heart in ways you never thought possible.

Happy reading, fellow adventurers, and may your love stories be written in the language of fire, water, air, and earth!

What Is The Difference Between Paranormal Romance And Fantasy Romance?

Hey there, fellow bookworms! Today, I want to dive into the enchanting world of romance novels and explore the differences and similarities between two popular subgenres: paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy romance. If you’re a fan of love stories mixed with a dash of magic or the supernatural, you are probably already aware of these. If not, you’re in for a treat! But even as an avid reader of both, I still wonder sometimes what the difference between the two is. So since I’m answering the question for myself, how about I take you along?

Paranormal Romance Books

Let’s start with paranormal romance. Picture this: vampires, werewolves, witches, and other mystical beings frolicking through the pages while falling head over heels in love. In paranormal romance, the otherworldly takes center stage. These stories often revolve around a human protagonist who gets entangled in a passionate affair with a supernatural creature. Think swoon-worthy romances between vampires and mortals, werewolf-human love connections, or steamy encounters with sexy witches. They’re often about traditional “monsters”. They often have darker atmospheres, bordering on spooky. Think castles, cathedrals, dark forests, and gritty urban areas. It’s all about that irresistible allure of the paranormal, where love transcends the boundaries between different worlds.

Contemporary Fantasy Romance Books

On the other hand, we have contemporary fantasy romance books. Unlike paranormal romance, which often takes place in a world entirely different from our own, contemporary fantasy romance intertwines the extraordinary with our everyday reality. It adds a sprinkle of magic or fantasy elements to our contemporary world, creating a unique blend. You might stumble upon a coffee shop where the barista has magical powers, or a love story between a regular person and a fairy living in the heart of a bustling city. These stories combine the familiar and the fantastical, making us believe in the extraordinary within our own lives. The atmospheres are often lighter, and the powers are more magical than mystical.

Magical Romance Books

Now, let’s talk about what these two subgenres have in common. At their core, both paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy romance explore the complexities of love, relationships, and the human (or supernatural) heart. They tug at our emotions, making us swoon, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear or two. Both subgenres invite us into worlds where anything is possible and where love triumphs over all obstacles, be they supernatural or ordinary. They can both contain magic, supernatural beings and worlds, and crossovers with our world/timeline (or alternate ones!).

Which Kind Are Joanna Morgan’s Books?

My books straddle the line between adult paranormal romance, and adult fantasy romance. I consider them PNR, but the truth is, they could be either, or both. Magical beings from another world, here on earth, elemental magic, other magical powers…yeah. Some of my stories are much closer to PNR because they’re vampire romances or werewolf romances, or both. Or zombies, lol. But most of my stories are partially modern fantasy romances because the elements are not “traditional” PNR.

Whether you prefer the alluring darkness of paranormal romance or the magical integration of fantasy elements in contemporary settings, these subgenres offer a delightful escape from reality. They allow us to indulge in a world where love is intensified by the extraordinary.

So, grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee, curl up in a cozy nook, and dive into the enchanting pages of paranormal romance or contemporary fantasy romance. It doesn’t have to be mine. Let the magic and passion transport you to a realm where love reigns supreme, and happily ever afters are just a turn of the page away.

Happy reading, my fellow romance enthusiasts! Remember, love knows no boundaries, whether they be paranormal or contemporary fantasy. 🙂

Neon angel

Discover the Magic of Contemporary Fantasy Romance

Hey, romance enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the enchanting world of contemporary fantasy romance. Get ready to be swept off your feet as we explore a genre that merges modern-day settings with a sprinkle of fantastical elements. Trust us when we say, this is the kind of love story that will make your heart flutter and your imagination soar!

What Is Contemporary Fantasy Romance?

Contemporary fantasy romance is a genre that blends the familiar with the extraordinary. It’s like taking a regular cup of coffee and adding a dash of otherworldly enchantment, but all in the modern world or current timeline. Picture yourself in bustling city streets, modern apartments, or cozy small towns, where ordinary people’s lives are forever changed by the touch of magic.

What makes contemporary fantasy romance books so captivating? Well, it’s the seamless integration of the everyday and the extraordinary. In these stories, you’ll find captivating protagonists navigating the trials and tribulations of modern life, all while stumbling upon hidden realms, encountering mythical creatures, or harnessing supernatural abilities.

One of the delights of contemporary fantasy romance lies in the modern settings that serve as the backdrop for magical tales. Whether it’s a quirky café that serves as a portal to a parallel dimension or a bustling metropolis where witches and warlocks blend in with the crowd, these stories take our ordinary world and sprinkle it with a touch of whimsy and wonder. It’s like experiencing a secret layer of reality that exists just beyond our everyday perception.

In contemporary fantasy romance, love finds a way to blossom amidst the chaos of the modern world. It explores themes of self-discovery, destiny, and the transformative power of love. Imagine a budding romance between a struggling artist and a mysterious being with an ancient secret, or a love affair between a skeptical scientist and a supernatural being who challenges their perception of reality. These stories invite us to believe in the extraordinary and to see magic in the ordinary.

Magical Beings in Contemporary Fantasy Romance

In contemporary fantasy romance, you’ll encounter a delightful array of fantastical creatures that add a touch of magic and wonder to the stories. Here are some of the creatures commonly found in this genre:

  1. Fae/Fairies: These ethereal beings with shimmering wings are often depicted as mischievous or enchanting creatures. They possess magical abilities, have a deep connection to nature, and can range from whimsical tricksters to noble and mysterious beings. (There is some crossover with PNR, as well, but Fantasy fae are more likely to be in past or alternate worlds, whereas paranormal fae are more likely to be in the modern time/world.)
  2. Shifters: Shape-shifters come in various forms, such as werewolves, werecats, or other animals. They have the ability to transform between human and animal forms, often carrying a duality of wild instincts and human emotions. Their animalistic nature adds a thrilling dynamic to romantic relationships. (This is way more common in paranormal romance, but of course, there is a lot of overlap.)
  3. Vampires: Immortal beings who thrive on blood, vampires have been a staple of the fantasy genre for centuries. In contemporary fantasy romance, vampires are often portrayed as charismatic, seductive, and tormented creatures who find love and redemption amidst their eternal existence. (Again, more common in PNR)
  4. Witches and Wizards: Masters of magic and spellcasting, witches and wizards bring enchantment and mystique to contemporary fantasy romance. They possess extraordinary abilities and can either be the protagonists or love interests, adding an element of supernatural power to the story.
  5. Nymphs: Nymphs are mythical creatures associated with natural elements like water, forests, or mountains. They are often depicted as alluring and graceful, embodying the beauty and spirit of nature. Nymphs can be pivotal characters in contemporary fantasy romance, capturing the hearts of mortal protagonists with their ethereal charm.
  6. Angels and Demons: These celestial and infernal beings bring a clash of light and darkness to contemporary fantasy romance. Angels are often portrayed as protectors or forbidden love interests, while demons offer temptation and complexity to the romantic dynamics.
  7. Ghosts and Spirits: Ghosts and spirits can add an element of mystery and otherworldliness to contemporary romance. They may appear as lost souls seeking resolution or as guides, influencing the lives and hearts of the living. (Again, more common in PNR)
  8. Dragons: These majestic and awe-inspiring creatures are often associated with strength, power, and wisdom. In contemporary fantasy romance, dragons can form unique bonds with humans, leading to captivating love stories where worlds collide. (More common in PNR only if they are hot shifter heroes. 😉 )
  9. Elementals!: My fave. Creatures or people who can manipulate the natural elements, possessing extraordinary abilities and strong powers.
  10. Gods and Goddesses: Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology are common sources for these characters, but there are many diverse stories that deviate from those common themes.
  11. Fairytale characters: Think Cinderella and Snow White retellings, as well as dwarves, elves, etc.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of creatures you may encounter in contemporary fantasy romance. Fantasy romance authors often infuse their stories with original creations, blending familiar mythological beings with their own imaginative twists.

A contemporary fantasy romance author has a remarkable talent for blending the magical and the mundane. With their vivid descriptions and relatable characters, they create stories that resonate deeply with readers. These authors have a knack for capturing the essence of modern life while infusing it with a sense of awe and wonder. They remind us that love can be found in the most unexpected places and that even in our fast-paced, technology-driven world, magic is still alive.

Why Readers Love (Contemporary) Fantasy Romance

As readers, we get to embark on an extraordinary journey where love transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. We witness characters navigate complex relationships, face inner demons, and navigate a world where both the mundane and the magical collide. Contemporary fantasy romance allows us to escape reality while still grounding us in relatable experiences and emotions.

So, if you’re ready to be whisked away into a realm where love dances with the fantastical, pick up a contemporary fantasy romance novel and prepare to lose yourself in a world where the extraordinary becomes an integral part of everyday life. Immerse yourself in stories that blend magic with the challenges of modernity and discover that love can truly defy all expectations.

Happy reading, fellow dreamers, and may your hearts be forever touched by the magic of contemporary fantasy romance!